Integrating Visual Studio with AWS (RDS)- Part 3

Fabio de Paula Carvalho
4 min readDec 6, 2020


For our last tutorial, we will finish the integration setting up our Database instance to be used in Visual Studio and also in the SQL Server Management Studio. If for some reason you are here without seein my last two tutorials, you will probably wanna check up the follow links:

Integrating Visual Studio with AWS (RDS)- Part 1
Integrating Visual Studio with AWS (RDS)- Part 2

1 — With the Visual Studio opened go to the tab AWS Explorer.

2 — Open the menu Amazon RDS then click with the right button in the instance that we have created.

3 — Click in the option Add to Server Explorer.

4 — A new window will show up for you establish the connection with the Database.

5 — Fill the fields with your User Name and Password and then keep the option Attach a Database File selected and click in the OK button.

6 — After establish the connection with the Database, we can use everything related to a Database on the Server Explorer window, we can create queries, tables, triggers, etc.

7 — Well, one of the interesting things that we need to notice, are that our current Database it is with the name as Unknown, that means that we do not have created our own Database yet.

8 — Let’s get back to the AWS Explorer tab, then, right click in our Database instance.

9 — Now click in the option Create SQL Server Database and fill the Password and then set up a name for your Database. Since is just for test only, I’ll use the name test.

10 — Return to the SQL Server Object Explorer and click in the Refresh button to see the update.

11 — Now when you open the AWS server, you will be able to see your Database.

12 — Click with the right button on the Database and then select New Query.

13 — Just as an example I’ll create a table called M_USER.


14 —Now lets execute the script by clicking in EXECUTE.

15 — Now our instance is ready to go! You may be already noticed tht we have a connection string of our database that was showed earlier. So, as we have the connection string we can use other softwares to handle the Database, knowing this let’s give a try to SQL Server Management Studio.

16 — Back to the AWS Explorer and click Add to Server Explorer as we did earlier.

17 — Copy the connection string that is on the Server Name field.

18 — Open the SQL Server Management Studio and then past the connection string into the Server Name field, keep the authentication mode as SQL Server Authentication and fill the fields Login and Password.

19 — After the connection beeing established you will be able to see our Database.

20 — Well, now we have finished our RDS integration with Visual Studio! =)

So, thanks everyone that follow this tutorial until the end, I hope that you guys have enjoyed and learn a little bit of how this process work. For the next month I’ll pause the tutorials a little bit because I need to update my VueGeta project on Github.

Maybe you can share some love to Vuegeta too ? Vuegeta is a front-end template made with Vuejs and Bulma.

For the next tutorials that we will have a user interface I’ll certainly use Vuegeta, so because of this I need at least conclud a few things before continue. =)

See you guys soon, thanks for the reading!

@fcarvalhodev | Linktree



Fabio de Paula Carvalho

Hello, It is me Fábio! I’m Software Developer Consultant with 5+ years of experience in software development.